home painting

Give Your House A Facelift: DIY Home Repainting

Change Up The Color

A clean and neat home is a reflection of our mind. It is next to impossible to keep it that way especially if we have kids and pets around. Repainting your home or a room could be an unwanted expense in your monthly budget. But if you just know the tricks, patchwork can be easily done in no time saving both time and money. It could be a fun project too. Here are a few tips to get you started.

It could be a one-time investment, but it’s worth it. Get a set of quality paint brushes or rollers. A typical paint kit will have all the necessary items to get started. The leftover paint from the last paint job will just do great. Plan for a weekend when you have absolutely no other work as repainting can take up w whole day.


Identify the areas you are planning to touch up. Instead of repainting the whole wall, simple touch ups can save a lot of time. Inspect the area for dents or cracks. Cover them with wall putty or white cement and make the surface even. Let it dry for some time and use a scrubber to gently rub the surface for a more smoother and polished look. The more even the surface, the easier it is for the paint to stick.

Use Old Stock
You are saved if you have any leftover paint from the last paint job. If not, it is quite difficult to match the existing color of your walls. Peel of a tiny area at the bottom of the wall and use it as a sample if you need to purchase new stock. Always buy the same brand as there may be color variations from one company to another.

Cover up the Surface
You must cover up the floor as well as other furniture nearby with plastic or disposable paper sheets. Even if you use a roller, drops of paint can spill over and make it messier. If you are painting an entire wall, move your furniture and stuff away and cover the entire floor with newspapers or paper sheets.

Light Switches and Plug Points
The area surrounding the light switches and outlet covers are the ones that need attention. While you repaint, it is better to cover up these areas too, along with the other patchwork. Spare a few minutes and carefully remove the switchboards before you start painting. It sure makes a lot of difference and looks more professional in doing so.

Always Paint From Top To Bottom
Amateurs often paint the areas reachable within their limits. But that’s not how it is to be done. Always paint from the top to bottom as you can cover up even if you made any mistakes. Try to paint in the same direction and follow the pattern. Uneven painting can leave marks and paint streaks which look bad on the walls. If you are not comfortable with brushes, use rollers as they can greatly improve the style and can look more natural and professional.

A simple painting kit consisting of a few brushes, wall putty, paint thinner and primer, gloves and can opener can do wonders. A few tips such as using a paint pot for mixing paint, using appropriate can openers, using the right sized brushes for the right job can be learned on the go. DIY home painting does not require any specialized skills and can make a huge difference in savings.